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allGeo FAQs

What is allGeo? How does it work?

allGeo is platform which hosts solutions for field service management, fleet tracking and mobile messaging. These solutions help businesses operate more efficiently by cutting down costs related to day to day operations by utilizing any standard phone as a gps & messaging tool. allGeo makes your dispatcher's life easier without any expensive upfront investment on Devices, Apps, Data plan etc!!

Does allGeo allow me to track employees without their knowledge?

No. To use allGeo all the participating phones need to be informed via a notifcation OR with a request to Opt-In. If the phones are Company owned, a clearly stated company policy for location & messaging services is required. We will be happy to help you draft your company policy if you need one.

What do you mean by Field Service & Asset Management Solution?

Do you have employees and assets that are constantly on the go? It could be your technician who needs to fix something at your customer's place and needs to check-in / check-out from the job site; it could be your sales rep who needs to meet different prospects and clients on a daily basis; or it could be a fleet of vehicles that are used to transport goods. If yes, allGeo is here to help you locate, message and manage your mobile resources smarter and more cost effectively.

Do I require a Data Plan to use allGeo?

No, allGeo does not require any extra data plan. The service works on any phone using their existing data plan with no special apps to download.

What do you mean by Enterprise messaging?

If you need to communicate with your teams that are in the field Ö either to dispatch a new job, or get status information on an important customer delivery, allGeo enterprise messaging helps do it easily and efficiently by stamping your text messages with a GPS coordinate. Furthermore, you can use Text commands to get your employee location, check-in & check-out from a job site, start and stop autotracking of a phone etc. Also, you more easily dispatch jobs to the nearest capable mobile worker through easy desktop based messaging service. That's not it, you can even setup alerts and reports based on custom events e.g. when your delivery truck has reached an important customer's place.

What is Field Service Visibility?

Field Service Visibility is the core of allGeo service, that helps you locate, message and manage all your field service and asset from a single dashboard. Your dispatcher will absolutely love it. ?

What are the basic requirements to use allGeo?/ What kind of devices are required to use allGeo?

Field Service Visibility is the core of allGeo service, that helps you locate, message and manage all your field service and asset from a single dashboard. Your dispatcher will absolutely love it. ?

What are the basic requirements to use allGeo?/ What kind of devices are required to use allGeo?

Any phone or device with a SIM is all you need to use allGeo. allGeo transforms your existing phone into a workforce management tool so you can avoid expensive investment that is typically associated with other traditional workforce and asset managing solutions.

What is Field Service Dispatch?

The USPS mail route contract regulation requires location tracking and reporting of the delivery vehicle. Field Service Dispatch from allGeo helps you cost effectively comply with this requirement by eliminating the need to install any in-vehicle GPS device which can cost you upwards of $300 per truck.

Do you support Reports?

You can easily setup your account for automatic Reporting. allGeo does all the smart work and sends you the location history report of your team throughout the day, so you can spend more time thinking about your next big business deal. These reports can then be used for your customer billing, payroll etc. Reports can be delivered over SMS, Email or downloaded from the website.

Do I need to install any App or software?

No. With allGeo you do not need to install any app or software. allGeo is a carrier grade, 100% cloud hosted service which is completely delivered over the web. You do not need to install any app or software on you computers OR on your employee phones. No Apps; No Special Devices; No Extra Data Plan - We keep it simple !!

Is allGeo available for my mobile devices?

Yes, allGeo is available on all phones on most major carriers in the US including AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, Virgin, Boost et al. All these phones can be enabled for location & messaging services without downloading any apps.

We also provide a manager app for leading smart phone platform such as iOS and Android. Using this app, you as a a manager or dispatcher can easily locate your employees, get job status and send text message notifications to your team while you are on the go!

How do I set up Geofencing? / What is Geofencing?

A Geofence is a virtual boundary of a predefined area of interest that is marked on a map. This can be your Warehouse, Construction Site, or even your popular Customer's Place. With allGeo, you can to set up any number of Geofences on a map and then get GPS-stamped reports and alerts when your employees and assets 'Check-in' and 'Check-out' from each Geofenced Zone.

What are estimates for Return on Investment (RoI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for allGeo?

Since allGeo leverages your existing devices and phones the cost of ownership is low. To top it, allGeo does not require an expensive data plan, saving you money per employee every month. Based on research conducted with our customers (average size = 20 employees) Õ 1 yr ROI with allGeo = ~$50K* !!

Do you have a Web API for integration with 3rd party solutions?

Yes. allGeo provides a suite of web APIs which can be used to integrate with any custom backend. Documentation can be provided upon request.

Can you send out alerts based on Rules via SMS, Email?

Yes, allGeo can send out alerts via SMS or Email based on location, time & event rules.

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